Questo è ciò che le linee sulle tue mani rivelano sulla tua personalità Chiromanzia è l’arte di interprete le linee que si trovano sui palmi delle mani, e di decifrarne i segreti… Secondo y seguaci de queste pratiche divinatorie, è possibile rivelare molte cose sulla life passedata or future of a person: all sarebbe scriptrito nelle tue mani, devi only know how to decipher questi messaggi! For the chiromante, the ogni linea e ogni aspect of the hand has a deep meaning. A second from the presence or from the assessment of determinations, from the length of the line, from the shape, I maintain that it is possible to know many things… If the left line is high, but if the line on the left hand is high, there is a person It is not necessary to enter into a serious relationship and love for someone is not considered a guarantee of congratulations, but when you decide, most likely you will decide who your child is. He loves with the guardo, fiducioso in himself and in his own force, a determined and independent person, who easily confronts the difficulties on his way.
Ciò means that he is a combattente and a vincitore in your loving life.
I didn’t miss my chance to be with any of my friends.
If you are passionate and kind, if you are a kind person who can build a long-term relationship.
The line of your right hand is the highest of your left hand.
Sei saggio per nature and thought in very rational ways. Sai armarti di pazienza prima di trovare la persona che fa a tuo case. With the time I discovered it, but in this most advanced… Sei troppo rigido e fai fai ad accettare le differenze. Raremente sei soddisfatto e cerchi qualcuno che si adatti perfectly agli standard que ti sei prefissato. But perfection does not exist and it is necessary to expand the rice field. Assicurati di rivalutare i tuoi standard e aprire il tuo cuore all’amore.
The line from the lancette is missing.
The line will be shown in figure only at this height. If you have serious intentions and your partner prefers a constant and strong relationship, he is rational and does not love any improvised changes in his life. He is a healthy-minded person with a gentle character, who is concerned about other opinions.
It is important to know that the man I can say is very important to a person. Leggi fine alla fine.
Ciò means that he is a friendly person with a very good heart. All this time, be sensitive and easy to do very well.